Lauri Antila takes over as CEO of Head Invest Ltd
Head Invest Ltd has appointed Lauri Antila, M.Sc. (Tech), as chief executive officer for the group. The appointment took effect on 4 November 2019. Former CEO Pekka Sipola, M.Sc. (Econ), will now become chief financial officer for Head Invest Ltd. He will also continue to do board work for group subsidiaries.
Antila has held a number of positions in the Head Invest group, including chairing the board of JOT Automation Ltd and CEO of Proventia Group Oy. Antila currently serves on the boards of several Head Invest Ltd subsidiaries, and he is also CEO of Head Capital Ltd.
“I want to thank the board of Head Invest Ltd for their confidence in me. It’s wonderful to continue working for a family business that is dear to me in so many ways, and I’m looking forward to further developing the parent company and group subsidiaries.”
Oulu-based Head Invest Ltd is a family business that includes several technology and well-being companies. Founded by Veikko Lesonen in 2001, this industrial group has focused on developing environmental and health technologies in recent years.
For further information:
Lauri Antila, Chief Executive Officer
Tel. +358 (0)40 522 2333
Pekka Sipola, Chief Financial Officer
Tel. +358 (0)40 546 8090